BANCE Philippe (Martinique), Professeur, Economie

Prof. Philippe Bance is President of the International Scientific Council of CIRIEC International Centre of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy. He was administrator of CRéAM laboratory at the University of Rouen (Normandy University), and Science Adviser at Hcéres (High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education), before at AERES (Research an Higher Education Assessment) (2010-18), Vice President of Higher Education Assessment and Student Life at the University of Rouen (2007–10).

His main research topics concerns Economics and Management of Public Services and Public Organizations, Evaluation of Public Action, European and Multilevel Governance, Joint Production and Co-Production of Public Goods and Commons. His main recent publications concern: postal services in the EU (in Florio, ELGAR, 2017); multilevel governance and Contingent Valuation Method (IJPA, 2018; P&P, 2017; rfe, 2016); public enterprises (APCE special issue, 2015); four edited books about Education in France, the strategic state, internalization of general interest missions by public organizations, public action in the crisis (PURH, 2018; 2016; 2015, 2012).

A book for ELGAR publishing on State Owned Enterprises and a special issue on the Commons for APCE are in preparation for 2020.

Travaux et/ou Publications récentes :

2018 : Bance, P. et Fournier, J., (dir.), Éducation et intérêt général, Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre (PURH), Décembre, 702 pages

2018 : Bance, P. et Chassy A., Citizen advisory committees: a tool to remedy the shortcomings of the Contingent Valuation Method within the system of multi-level governance?, International Journal of Public Administration (IJPA), August, p. 685-695

2018 : Bance, P., (dir.), Providing public goods and commons, Towards coproduction and new forms of governance for a revival of public action, in CIRIEC Studies Series n°1, March, in open access, 318 pages

2017 : Bance, P. et Chassy A.,  The rollout of the multilevel governance system: a source of reworking the Contingent Valuation Method?, Politics and Policy (P&P), Issue 45.6, December, p. 1080-1107

2016 : Bance, P. et Chassy A.,  Opportunités et limites de la Méthode d’Evaluation Contingente (MEC) en régime de gouvernance multiniveaux, Revue française d’économie, Volume XXXI, Issue 2, octobre,


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